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The objectives of the company are the development, industrial fabrication, sale and supply of construction materials, prefabricated construction elements, partially-completed structures and “turn key“ buildings, as well as special components. The company objectives of STRUCTCAN can also be pursued in the form of licensing, through the foundation of new subsidiary companies and the acquisition of holdings.

The main objective of the STRUCTCAN System is to build single and multiple-family housing in massive construction, using new materials and new techniques and to continue to develop this philosophy.

Due to the favourable costs of industrial fabrication and the excellent building physics characteristics, the STRUCTCAN System opens up completely new market segments and also enables households with a low income structure to build houses with a quality comparable to that of those featuring a conventional method of construction, and at low and clearly calculable costs.

A team, currently comprising 20 members of very varied specialisation, is developing, planning and seeing through a housing project employing our innovative solutions at a location in Montreal,CA.

Our system

lightsteelframeronconcreteConventional building is today simply too complicated, too tedious and therefore also too expensive. Whereas performance in the construction sector has thus far failed to emerge from the burden of traditional building materials and building techniques, with their attendant high interface losses, this branch of industry is now taking action. The demands for value for money and faster and more ?exible methods of construction are becoming louder and louder.

In this ‘awakening’ phase steel sheeting, with its special characteristics, is immediately coming into play. Already accepted and established in industrial construction, many planners and clients are increasingly selecting steel sheet as a construction material.

The lightweight and good thermal insulating materials cellular concrete and aerated/foamed concrete manufactured to date have thus far been hardened in expensive and energy-intensive processes in autoclaves under high pressure and high temperature, or are severely restricted so far as technical applications are concerned due to their low strength. Conventional cellular concrete has to be >baked< at approx. 200 degrees Celsius and 16 bar pressure, as in a pressure cooker. Our aerated concrete is fully adequate for ambient temperatures and atmospheric pressure at seal-level. This saves energy and thus also construction costs. At the same time it is also signi~cantly sturdier and like ?ow concrete it can be cast in any desired form. However, the STRUCTCAN – aerated concrete has yet other advantages. Due to the high ‘air-space ratio’ it has the same insulating characteristics as gas/aerated concrete from the autoclaves, but weighs around just one third of the weight of conventional concrete. Chiefly it is the air pores that are the real secret of Ultraporcrete. Their size and form can be precisely selected. This enables the compressive strength and density of the concrete to be flexibly adapted to the respective requirement of an object that is to be constructed.
An alternative solution would be “EPS“ – Lightweight Concrete. This lightweight concrete is a development from BASF AG, Ludwigshafen. It is a ‘constructive’, mineral-bound lightweight concrete, mixed with polystyrene globules having a diameter of 2-6 mm.

The lightweight concrete comprises a combination of cement (CEM I 32.5 R), sand, water, reducer, air-entraining agent and is manufactured, for example, in a conventional mechanical mixer. Through the mixing with polystyrene particles a uniform, consistent distribution of the entrapped air pores is achieved, which are chie?y responsible for the good thermal insulation characteristic of the lightweight concrete. In order to satisfy the various building physics requirements, the lightweight concrete can be manufactured in bulk densities in the range 550 -1800 kg/m3. The variation in the bulk density is achieved through the volumetric exchange of sand and air. In the density range > 600 kg/m3 the term used is ‘dense structure’ lightweight concrete. The cement stone structure is the controlling factor for the strength of the lightweight concrete material. The characteristic values for the lightweight concrete for the STRUCTCAN elements are given in the following Table 1 as a function of the bulk density.

The lightweight and good thermal insulating materials cellular concrete and aerated/foamed concrete manufactured to date have thus far been hardened in expensive and energy-intensive processes in autoclaves under high pressure and high temperature, or are severely restricted so far as technical applications are concerned due to their low strength. Conventional cellular concrete has to be >baked< at approx. 200 degrees Celsius and 16 bar pressure, as in a pressure cooker. Our aerated concrete is fully adequate for ambient temperatures and atmospheric pressure at seal-level. This saves energy and thus also construction costs. At the same time it is also signi~cantly sturdier and like ?ow concrete it can be cast in any desired form. However, the STRUCTCAN – aerated concrete has yet other advantages. Due to the high ‘air-space ratio’ it has the same insulating characteristics as gas/aerated concrete from the autoclaves, but weighs around just one third of the weight of conventional concrete. Chiefly it is the air pores that are the real secret of Ultraporcrete. Their size and form can be precisely selected. This enables the compressive strength and density of the concrete to be flexibly adapted to the respective requirement of an object that is to be constructed.

An alternative solution would be “EPS“ – Lightweight Concrete. This lightweight concrete is a development from BASF AG, Ludwigshafen. It is a ‘constructive’, mineral-bound lightweight concrete, mixed with polystyrene globules having a diameter of 2-6 mm.

The lightweight concrete comprises a combination of cement (CEM I 32.5 R), sand, water, reducer, air-entraining agent and is manufactured, for example, in a conventional mechanical mixer. Through the mixing with polystyrene particles a uniform, consistent distribution of the entrapped air pores is achieved, which are chie?y responsible for the good thermal insulation characteristic of the lightweight concrete. In order to satisfy the various building physics requirements, the lightweight concrete can be manufactured in bulk densities in the range 550 -1800 kg/m3. The variation in the bulk density is achieved through the volumetric exchange of sand and air. In the density range > 600 kg/m3 the term used is ‘dense structure’ lightweight concrete. The cement stone structure is the controlling factor for the strength of the lightweight concrete material. The characteristic values for the lightweight concrete for the STRUCTCAN elements are given in the following Table 1 as a function of the bulk density.